

Newlands. Arm. Group. Sailing.

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N.M.S.C. / N.A.G.S. Calendar for 2015/16

Nicholson Model Sailing Club

April 2nd

Tooo Much Wind for Windlingers to Windle

25 Knots with Gusts well over 30 + and no "F" rig for the Budgie

 " it was strong enough to blow a banger of your BBQ Fork?"

After a ring around our members and a few visitors, we reluctantly pulled the pin at 9:30 am


N.A.G.S "Windlingers " All recommended The Radio Sailing Shop       

The Radio Sailing Shop now has new owners Andrew and Lore Cook

  The Shop is now much bigger, carries a larger range of stock and has moved to

Hampton in Victoria.

Contact : Andrew  on 0414 564 426 or

To Link to The Radio Sailing On-Line Shop   Click Here